Tag Archives: LOLA

Happy LOLA New Year!

    The LOLA New Year Poem 2014 

Eat more whole grains and get off your fanny

So this year you won’t feel like such an old granny.

Out with the old habits and in with the new

LOLA coaches will motivate you to run a mile or two.

Come join us in this new year and in 2014 have a happy new rear!  


                             Best wishes for a happy, healthy & prosperous new year 

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Tutus and Running Shoes

Image    I love this picture. I took it of my youngest daughter, Lola, as she watched her older sister compete in a school track meet.

She was complaining of being too hot and went to the car to see what she could find. Forgetting, I had hidden these very special hand-me-down tutus for her from a dear friend in the trunk, I said, “sure go ahead and see what you can find.” As she dug through the trunk..her eyes darted straight to the bag of tutus the same time as mine. Before I could distract her…she said, “what are these?!” with her eyes as big as saucers. Darn, I thought, the surprise was now ruined. Or was it?  Without hesitiation, she ripped off her other clothes and jumped right into this pink tutu with sequins and all. I had to go with it.  I figured if she was confident enough to walk around a track meet in just her tutu and running shoes, then far be it for me to list my reasons why she may not want to wear that….“are you sure honey, might get kinda of itchy in the heat?” “do, you really want to wear that…now?”  Of course she did! So, off she went watching the rest of the meet in her new comforatble and cool clothes. As you can imagine, when my teenage daughter saw her sister in all of her glory watching from the fence…she rolled her eyes and ran the other way....teenagers, what do they know?

As I looked at the picture, I realized my planned surprise was not ruined at all. It became a gift. A gift to to see my confident and strong-minded daughter in action with not a care in the world, especially about what other people think. I also get to see myself..growing up as a dancer and now a runner and the huge impact they have had on who I am today. Other than my family, my tutus and running shoes have been the most important things in my life. Thank you Lola for showing me the way and reminding me about what’s really important. That is the best gift of all. 

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Defining Ourselves


Sharing this post from a LOLA member as her “tale from the track” make us all think about our defining moments. Thanks Sue!
img_2355Something amazing happened to me last night.  During a track workout, no less. The fact that I even wrote that sentence is so odd, because I don’t usually do track workouts.  Or really run that much.  But this year I’m attempting to do things outside my comfort zone.  Or just try new stuff.  I am attempting to not define myself by what has come previously in my 46 years. Thus why I am even on a track at 6 pm on a Wednesday eve.  The tape in my head says: “I am not a runner.”  But, could I be one?  Might I actually enjoy being one? Last night I worked hard to re-record that tape with a new message.  I pushed it.  When Kim, the coach of Team LOLA , explained that we were going to be running 4 sets of 2 laps around the track, I said to myself, “One at a time.”  When she suggested we try to do a negative split, which is either the second lap faster than the first or the second 2-lapper faster than the 1st 2-lapper, I said, “One at a time.” I watched the disappearing back of a woman who had told us she had just completed her first half Ironman, and another tall gazelle of a woman on that first 2 lapper.  I couldn’t even keep up with them, hitting the last turn as they crossed the finish at the other end of the field.  On the second one, I asked myself to just keep them a bit closer, and to really try on the last straightaway.  I finished right behind them.  On the third one, I encouraged myself to dig a bit deeper, and passed them right at the end. On the last one, the two girls that I had been happily following made me go first.  I didn’t want to do that, because I liked following them.  It felt more comfortable.  I mean, they were runners.  I was just hanging on as long as I could. But the one said (and I’m not sure who, because she was behind me) she didn’t want me to pass her again at the end, because she was giving it all she had and then I would pass her.  And the other one said, “Hell, own it girl.”  Or something to that effect. I ran faster than I thought I could those 2 laps, and it felt great.  And then Kim asked us to do one final lap.  What would it feel like, she asked, to give it all we had?  To turn the dial to 9 at some point, maybe just at the end.  How often do we get to ask ourselves to really dig deep.  She promised we would recover.  She promised no matter how much it would hurt, it would pass.  So on the last sprint lap, I bolted at the beginning, and around that second of three turns, when it started to HURT HURT HURT, the voice inside said, “You can pull up and slow now, Sue, because you’re not really a runner.  You don’t have it.” The voice said, “You can stop.  It’s ok.”


 But then I heard the hard breathing of someone coming up behind me, and damn if I didn’t want to give up.


If she could, whoever she was, I could.  So I kept going, even though it hurt so much.  And when I hit the straightaway and my breathing was all funky and raw, I gave it all I had left and turned it up to 9.  I crossed the line first. I’m telling you, we are so much stronger than we think.  In all realms.  And today, I can’t use the excuse that I’m not a runner.  Because now I am.  And I wonder where this new recording inside my head will take me.

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Day 21….What I have (re) learned

Marathon Training Update: I am now 3 weeks into training for the Nike Marathon in October. I feel very lucky to be training with a great group of women from Team LOLA ( http://www.teamlola.com). Many of them are excited to be gearing up for their first marathon and some are re-entering the world of marathons after a ten or 20 year break. We are all learning a a lot about ourselves during this process, myself included. As I headed out the door yesterday for my long run of the week…I said to my husband, “wish me luck” to which he quickly responded…”you don’t need luck.”  I thought, OMG…yes I do! What if I don’t make it? What if I get a cramp? What if I feel horrible or my stomach gets funky? All very normal concerns of a runner or anyone training for an event outside of their comfort zone. But he was right.    I didn’t need luck for something I have done thousands of times before, I needed to just get out there and run. Most likely none of those things I worried about would happen and in the event that they did, I would know what to do. He knows me too well.

Here are some things I have re-learned  thus far: 

1. Slow Down: Long runs are meant to be loonnggg.  You have to slow your pace down in order to cover 26.2 miles. I keep trying to run the same pace I would for a 10k or my typical hour long weekday runs. Not only is it ok to run slower, it’s crucial.

2. Be Patient: Along with slowing down, you cannot rush a long run. I get impatient wanting to “hurray and get it over with,” so I can check it off of my to-do list. This is one of the only times during a day where I can enjoy being in the moment that I have all to myself. Don’t rush!

3. Have enough Real Estate:  Be sure when you plan your run, that you have enough ground (or miles) to cover. Runners love numbers, gadgets, watches, etc. I have been known to get home with 16.2 miles covered and was supposed to run 17 miles. It’s no fun to run circles around your neighborhood until your GPS hits the magic 17 mile mark while your neighbors watch you thinking you’ve lost your mind.

4. Rest Days: My biggest offense. For some reason, I feel that rest days don’t apply to me and that just a little weight workout, hike or even a long shopping trip at the grocery store  on a scheduled rest day will be just fine. I know better.  Rest means rest. I’m trying and promise sit down and put my feet up!

That is it so far. I ‘m sure there will be more with 12 weeks to go. Looks like a simple life lesson….slow down, be patient, always have enough real estate and be sure to enjoy some good ol’ rest and relaxation.

Happy trails!

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July 28, 2013 · 9:42 pm

The LOLA New Year Poem

Happy New Year 2013

  A little fun for your new year’s day.





Say goodbye to Jimmy Dean; it’s time to try something green
And maybe even some garbanzo beans, full of fiber and lean protein.
Does your workout need a new routine?
Get off the machines, get outside and join a team.
LOLA coaches are never mean;
they will help you kick ass in 2013!

Happy New Rear! 
From the LOLA family






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Six Weeks (Happy New Year!)

HooHaa 52 - Resolution (Week 24)

weight loss is the #1 new year resolution

Six Weeks? It is the average lifespan of a New Year’s Resolution.

I can feel the buzz all around me…the gym getting more crowded, people vowing to never eat sweets again and the latest diet books are front & center at the bookstore.

The definition of a New Year’s resolution is a commitment that a person makes to one or more personal goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit. Marking the New Year, as a new beginning, makes it easier for people to commit to their lifestyle changes which they plan to do for the following year. These resolutions are easy to make when you have been eating, drinking, skipping workouts and generally feel like crap after 2 months of holiday celebrations. We have all said something like….”I will not drink for a month and I’m going to workout everyday for 2 hours.” Yea, sure?!  Then guess what, It’s Super Bowl Sunday and you treat yourself for being such a puritan for the past 4 weeks…”you deserve,  just one drink with a few chips & guacamole” And then it all begins again until the following January. Sound somewhat familiar?

Weight loss, exercising & smoking cessation are at the top of the resolution lists. Along with getting organized, meditating, new jobs and improved finances. Just look at these things..most of them evolve over a lifetime but yet we think there is something magic about January , that is going to whip us right into shape. I do believe you can be thinner, happier and healthier in the New Year, if you truly want to be. But it will require preparation, perspiration and work! No magic pills!

So this year, Resolve to NOT resolve. Do NOT fall for the latest diet or extreme fitness program. These are proven to not work. Just get right back on track with your healthy lifestyle. I ask people to think back to last summer, what was that ONE thing you wanted to work on & change? Pick that as your goal for the new year and let it slowly unfold into your  lifestyle in 2013. Why this one thing? Because, it has most likely been on your resolution list more times than you can count. And with the low success rates of New Year’s resolutions…it too was lost. Keep it simple and focused and you may be surprised how many other things fall into place as you live your life actively in body, mind & spirit.

With this in mind, I send to you and yours my very best wishes for a healthy, happy and sweaty 2013!

Kim Juarez & The LOLA Family

** We hope that LOLA has in someway touched your life. As you ring in 2013 with friends and family, please keep the LOLA Project in mind. We have just 26 days to go…we need your help.  I will be ringing in the New year committed to working towards a healthier generation for my kids and yours. Will you join me? Please help us bring jobs and health to women and children this year. Click link to donate and read more about the LOLA project.


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The Gift that Gives: The LOLA Project

Christmas in the post-War United States

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

     The Gift that Gives: The LOLA Project
I know it’s a busy time of year!
As a working mom with 4 kids, there are just not enough hours in the day, especially with Christmas just days away.
I want to take a moment to say thank you for another great year at LOLA! My LOLA dream was just beginning in 2006 and now in our 6th year, we are dedicated to working hard changing lives of women and children everyday.
You have all been a part of this journey, thank  you for your ongoing support.I am excited to share with you The LOLA Project.
Our LOLA franchise campaign has been years in the making and now we are ready to begin. Your contribution to our project will be a gift that gives this year, next year & in the years to come by protecting and promoting the health of women & our children.

The LOLA Project was launched on Indiegogo. 

Indiegogo is a crowdfunding website (like Kickstarter) that allows people to donate money, from $1 on up, to specific projects. 

It’s a virtual “passing of the hat” for small businesses, like LOLA, to get their projects off the ground. These projects have a short time to reach their goal, we have only 36 days left. Make your contribution soon & give a feel good gift. 
*To contribute & read more about the project:
We hope that LOLA has in some way touched your life.
Please consider this unique and meaningful gift this holiday season, in honor of yourself, your child or your friend. It is the gift that keeps giving!
As you take time to celebrate the holiday with friends and family, please keep theLOLA Project in mind. I’m going to ring in the New Year committed to working towards a healthier generation for my kids and yours. Will you join me?
                                                                                             Happy Holidays!
                                                                               Kim Juarez & the LOLA family

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